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Terraform Cheatsheet

Gineesh Gineesh Follow · 1 min read
Terraform Cheatsheet
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About Terraform CLI

Terraform, a tool created by Hashicorp in 2014, written in Go, aims to build, change and version control your infrastructure. This tool have a powerfull and very intuitive Command Line Interface.


Install through curl

```bash $ curl -O $ sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin/ $ rm

OR install through tfenv: a Terraform version manager

First of all, download the tfenv binary and put it in your PATH.

$ git clone ~/.tfenv $ echo ‘export PATH=”$HOME/.tfenv/bin:$PATH”’ » $HOME/bashrc

##Then, you can install desired version of terraform: $ tfenv install 0.11.10 Usage Show version $ terraform –version Terraform v0.11.10 Init Terraform $ terraform init It’s the State Pull remote state in a local copy $ terraform state pull > terraform.tfstate Push state in remote backend storage $ terraform state push This command is usefull if for example you riginally use a local tf state and then you de

Written by Gineesh Follow
Author, Automation and Containerization Guy,

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