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Let us test Kubernetes 1.29 with minikube

This post guides you through setting up minikube with the latest Kubernetes goodness, so you can be a testing trailblazer.

In DevOps, Kubernetes, devops with kubernetes, Dec 18, 2023

Book Review: Terraform Cookbook, Second Edition

This comprehensive 600-page guide is a treasure trove of information, tricks, and tips for mastering Terraform, the amazing infrastructure as code tool.

In Automation, Books, DevOps, Dec 18, 2023

Book Review: Practical Ansible, 2nd Edition

This updated edition aligns with the latest Ansible version, making it an excellent reference for beginners diving into Ansible.

In Ansible, Books, ansible book, Dec 03, 2023

Book Review: OpenShift Multi-Cluster Management Handbook

From the outset, the authors delve into the significance of multi-cluster architectures, addressing vendor lock-in concerns and the unique challenges they present.

In Books, DevOps, Kubernetes, Nov 19, 2023

Mastering Tekton: Your Guide to Cloud-Native CI/CD Workflows

Here are some of the best and free resources to learn Tekton from base.

In Automation, Courses, DevOps, Nov 06, 2023

Installing Ansible Automation Platform with AWS RDS and SSL Encryption

In today’s IT landscape, Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform simplifies complex tasks, and our blog guides you through securing it with AWS RDS and SSL Encryption.

In Ansible, Automation, AWS, Nov 05, 2023

Promo: Get Up to $700 Off on KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023 Tickets

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the event details, the techbeatly promo, and why attending this conference is a must for cloud-native enthusiasts.

In DevOps, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Oct 25, 2023

oc edit – How To Customize Your OpenShift / Kubernetes CLI Editor

We’ll explain what the oc command is, demystify the concept of shell configuration files, discuss the importance of the EDITOR variable, and suggest some common CLI editors.

In DevOps, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Oct 24, 2023

Book Review: Mastering Elastic Kubernetes Service on AWS

The authors start by breaking down the basics, from containers and Docker to Kubernetes core concepts. It’s a smooth way to ensure you’re on the same page before diving into the techn...

In AWS, Books, Cloud, Oct 15, 2023

Ansible in DevOps – Knowledge Sharing and Book Giveaway!

The post Ansible in DevOps – Knowledge Sharing and Book Giveaway! appeared first on techbeatly.

In Ansible, Automation, Technical Events, Oct 05, 2023